Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Can It Be, My Highest Light

Who: This is another Paul Gerhardt hymn. While it's not specifically an Ash Wednesday hymn, it could fit because of verse 2. Sorry it's a day late.
Note: 'Knight' in verse 5 simply means 'servant;' I used this because the rhyme allowed me to be more faithful to Gerhardt's original. "Glor'" in stanza 8 is short for 'glory,' an abbreviation which I discovered in an earlier post.
Changes: Except for the last stanza, this hymn is John Kelly's translation, edited to be more faithful to Gerhardt's original and more up-to-date in its wording. As always, suggestions and critiques are greatly appreciated.
Tune: The meter is 887 887 and the standard melody is KOMMT HER ZU MIR, LSB 666 and given below.

How can it be, my highest Light,
That when before Your face so bright
All things must pale and vanish,
That my poor feeble flesh and blood
Can call up such a hearty mood
To meet You, and fear banish?

What am I more than dust and ash?
What is my flesh but leaves and grass?
What good the life I’m living?
What can I with my utmost pow’r?
What have I, Lord! from hour to hour
But what to me You’ve given?

I am a poor and feeble worm,
A straw, which e’en a little storm
Could drive away before it.
If You Your hand, which all things stays,
Would on me e’er so lightly lay,
I’d not know how t‘endure it.

Lord, I am nothing, You are Who
Is all, and all belongs to You;
In You I have my being.
Where with Your hand You frighten me
And do not deck with Your mercy
There will I have no healing.

You are the Truth; and I’m unright;
You’re holy; I’m an evil knight-
This thought should truly shame me,
That I in such an evil stand,
Should from Your mild, paternal hand,
Receive the goods it gave me.

Nothing but evil have I done
Against You, Lord, from my youth on,
In sin I was begotten;
And had You not in faithfulness
Unlocked my chains of sinfulness
I would be lost, forgotten.

So, boasting, go away from me!
To You, Lord, may all glory be,
I give to You Your earning.
Oh grant that while I live below
My spirit and what from it flows,
To You be always turning.

If I have ever done aright
It wasn't me: I have no might,
From You it had its springing.
To You be thanks and worth and glor’,
My Healer, I’ll forevermore
Your laud and praise be singing.

Wie ist es möglich, höchstes Licht
Paul Gerhardt
st. 1-7 tr. John Kelly, ed. MDS
st. 8 tr. MDS

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