Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All People Who, Thru Jesus' Blood

What: This hymn simply answers the question, "What does 'the righteous/just shall live by faith' mean?" It is found in A Hymn and Prayer-Book of 1795.
Who: This hymn is anonymous, but was likely written by John. C. Kunze.
Changes: I made this hymn inclusive of all people by standard 21st century English usage.
Tune: The meter is LM, and AHPB suggests NACH DIR, O HERR, VERLANGET MICH, but TALLIS CANON would work fine.

All people who, thru Jesus' blood,
Are justified before their God
From condemnation are set free,
Enjoy the Gospel liberty.

By faith they live and walk and move,
By faith they serve and humbly love
Their God, and still with fervent mind
By faith they serve all humankind.

This happy state they cannot claim
From nature, nor in their own name;
The Law doth not this bliss impart,
But Christ conveys it to their hearts.

The justified in peace shall live
When all their heart to God they give;
Their fellowship is now begun
Both with the Father and the Son.

But soon the angel's trump will sound;
The justified with glory crowned
Shall from their dusty graves arise
And life eternal realize.
John C. Kunze?, alt.

Friday, October 26, 2012

O Jesus Christ, True Light of God

What: This hymn is, I think, an translation by a Reverend John C. Kunze and is found in the very first English Lutheran hymnal, published in 1795 in New York. The full title of the book is "A Hymn and Prayer-Book for the Use of Such Lutheran Churches as Use the English Language." The book is quite a gem for a few reasons, including this hymn.
The translation in common use today is O Christ, Our True and Only Light.
Who: Johann Heermann was a great Lutheran hymnwriter in the 1600's. His best-known hymn is "Ah, Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou Broken?"
Changes: I only changed "dumb" to "mute."
Tune: the proper tune is O JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHT, LSB 839.

O Jesus Christ, true light of God,
Enlighten such as know Thee not
And bring them unto Thy sheepfold,
Thereby to save their precious soul.

Replenish with Thy ray of grace
The wandering erroneous race
And such who're tempted secretly
To b'lieve that which is treachery.

And what else has eloped from Thee,
That seek with grace and constancy.
All wounded consciences so heal
That they show but for heav'n their zeal.

To all deaf grant an open ear;
The mute an utt'rance without fear;
Freedom to such who would confess
Their faith concerning righteousness.

Beguiléd souls do undeceive;
Bring all back who mean Thee to leave;
Them who are scattered congregate;
Convince those in a doubtful state.

Then, Lord, due praises shall be giv'n,
On earth below, above in heav'n,
By all of Thy redeeméd race,
To Thee for all Thy love and grace.
O Jesu Christe, wahres Licht
Johann Heermann
Tr. John C. Kunze, alt.

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