Saturday, October 9, 2010

We Believe in One True God

Who: This is another Cronenwett translation, from the Tobias Clausnitzer paraphrase of the Creed. 
Changes: I've updated the language a bit.
Tune: Unlike the original and most translations (for example LSB 953), this meter is 77 77 77. I propose RATISBON, LSB 873.

We believe in one true God,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Present Helper in distress,
Praised by all the heav'nly host;
God the Father, by Whose might
All things are, and move aright.

We believe in Jesus Christ,
God of God and Mary's Son,
Who came down from on His throne,
And for us salvation won;
Who His blood and life has giv'n
So we can be heirs of heav'n.

Trust we in the Holy Ghost,
Going forth from Father, Son,
Who upholds and comforts us,
Lest we be by sin undone.
Praise, O Holy One-in-Three,
Praise forever be to Thee.
Wir Glauben All
Tobias Clausnitzer
tr. Cronenwett, alt.

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