Saturday, October 16, 2010

Full Athwart the Gulf Infernal

Who: this is another original hymn by Emanuel Cronenwett in his "Hymns and Poems" of 1926. He put this hymn in the Justification section and gave it the heading "No (one) cometh unto the Father, but by Me."
Changes: I have changed but one word to account for modern pronunciation, everything else is left as is, since this hymn's poetry thrives on textual flavor.
Tune: The meter is 87 87 D and while there are quite a few tunes in LSB for this meter, the only one I believe supports the hymn's character is CENTRAL, LSB 479.

Full athwart the gulf infernal-
Sin 'twixt God and man had riv'n,
Grace has arched the Rock Eternal
Spanning ages, earth and heav'n.
Deep as woe this Arch is founded,
Under-reaching all our sin:
In the depths of Mercy grounded-
Vast as broadest wants of men.

God, the Son, assumed our nature-
Spotlessly of virgin born,
Bridged the chasm 'twixt the Maker
And humanity forlorn.
Christ, the God-man, stooped to save us
Underneath our sin and death,
And as Victor rose to raise us
To Himself through heav'n-born faith.

Strong-convictions? These may leave us,
Self-assurance? Vanish quite,
Reason, confidence? Deceive us,
Leave us grope in dismal night.
But the Faith of holy sages
Cheers the church with steadfast ray,
Cleaves to Christ, the Rock of Ages,
And His Word- as stable Stay.

Mercy paved this Way for mortals,
True and sure it leads to bliss;
Else, alas!, once at death's portals
Yawn but depths of the abyss!
None can come to God, the Father,
Save by Thee, the risen Lord;
Advocate and Mediator,
Be Thou evermore adored!

Emanuel Cronenwett, 1877, alt.

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