Note: Based on Romans 6 (the text of my first sermon!).
Tune: The meter is 87 87 887 and I recommend ES IST DAS HEIL (LSB 601).
Baptized, O Christ, into Thy death,
Entombed with Thee, my Savior,
Dead unto sin, in steadfast faith
I grasp Thy blood-bought favor.
Reborn in Thy baptismal flood,
And ris'n with Thee, blest Son of God
In Thy new life I glory!
Death has no more dominion now;
I fear no condemnation
Since by Thy resurrection Thou
Hast sealed my soul's salvation.
A giving Father's love is mine.
Thy Spirit, in Thy Word divine,
Declares me free forever.
From satan's hellish cords released,
I'm now an heir of heaven.
Thy sacrifice, O blest High Priest,
Sin from its pow'r has riven.
The carnal flesh is crucified;
In godly strength, by Thee supplied,
I overcome temptation.
Grant me a pure and contrite heart
By virtue of Thy merit;
Thy sanctifying pow'r impart
Through Thy indwelling Spirit.
A pilgrim in this world of strife,
O may Thy resurrection life
My faith increase and strengthen.
Thy Sacrament of Baptism, Lord,
Abounds in consolation.
Faith rests securely in Thy Word,
Blest sureness of salvation!
Redeemed, forgiven, justified,
O let me in Thy grace abide
And flee all sinful pleasure.
Oh, may Thy life in holiness
Be in my life reflected,
Till in Thy robe of righteousness,
Healed, glorified, perfected,
In Thy pure likeness I shall dwell,
And praise Thee, blest Immanuel,
Forever and forever.
Anna Hoppe, alt.